Morning walk with Sarah and Bo 🐾 Tue 18 April 2023, 9:08am Walk 0.98mi Distance 25m 9s Duration 14ft Elev Gain Tue 18 April 2023, 9:08am Link
1,301 Calories 2 Coffee Breakfast: 130 Grande Vanilla Latte Semi Skimmed Milk 1 Serving 130 Lunch: 777 Roast Potatoes 1 Serving 151 Dish, British Turkey 1 Serving 253 Gammon 1 Slice 150 Macaroni and Cheese 1/2 Serving 110 Carrots, Raw 1 Dry Cup 37 Stuffing, Sage & Onion 1 Serving 73 Vanilla Pepsi 1 Serving 3 Snacks: 394 Vanilla Latte, Skimmed, In, Med 1 Serving 154 Coke bottle 1 Bottle 240 Tue 18 April 2023, 8:02am Link
at London Heathrow Airport (LHR) Hounslow, Greater London Airport Waiting for Jonathan and his GF to arrive Coins 15 Welcome back! You haven't checked in to London Heathrow Airport since June '22. +6 First Airport check-in in 5 months! +6 There's a lot going on inside London Heathrow Airport! Check in to more places here to earn more coins. +3 Tue 18 April 2023, 12:49pm Link
at David Lloyd Surrey, Surrey Gym / Fitness Center Spa with Jonathan Coins 3 Rocking that crown like it's 1599. +3 Tue 18 April 2023, 9:50pm Link
£1.44 Fuel Cost 30.74 Litres £44.26 Petrol Cost 51,653 Tachometer 359 No. miles Tue 18 April 2023, 1:50pm Link