at Lloyd Park Croydon, Greater London Park Coins 8 You're gonna need a frame for that photo. +5 You haven't checked in to Lloyd Park since August '22. +2 There's a lot going on inside Lloyd Park! Check in to more places here to earn more coins. +1 Sun 2 July 2023, 10:47am Link
at Selsdon Recreation Ground Croydon, Greater London Park Lovely walk with Sarah Coins 1 What's that old saying? "If you didn't check in on Swarm, did it even happen?" Well you were here, and now it's official. +1 Fri 7 July 2023, 9:15am Link
at Sanderstead Recreation Ground Croydon, Greater London Park Weekly walk with Sarah Coins 45 You just became Mayor! +30 Great photo! +15 Tue 18 July 2023, 9:41am Link
at Lloyd Park Croydon, Greater London Park Lovely walk with Lyn and Mum Coins 63 New Mayor! That crown looks better on you! +30 Wow! You've checked in to Lloyd Park 5 times! +15 Great photo! +15 There's a lot going on inside Lloyd Park! Check in to more places here to earn more coins. +3 Tue 1 August 2023, 11:49am Link
at Purley Beeches Location unknown Park Coins 1 What's that old saying? "If you didn't check in on Swarm, did it even happen?" Well you were here, and now it's official. +1 Mon 7 August 2023, 10:11am Link
at Purley Beeches Location unknown Park The less glamorous side of walking a dog in the rain Coins 24 You're gonna need a frame for that photo. +15 You're the mayor! +9 Tue 8 August 2023, 10:20am Link
at Roundshaw Park Location unknown Park Coins 1 What's that old saying? "If you didn't check in on Swarm, did it even happen?" Well you were here, and now it's official. +1 Thu 10 August 2023, 11:23am Link
at Roundshaw Park Location unknown Park Coins 1 What's that old saying? "If you didn't check in on Swarm, did it even happen?" Well you were here, and now it's official. +1 Fri 11 August 2023, 8:48am Link
at Roundshaw Common Location unknown Park Coins 1 What's that old saying? "If you didn't check in on Swarm, did it even happen?" Well you were here, and now it's official. +1 Fri 11 August 2023, 9:16am Link
at Roundshaw Common Location unknown Park Coins 1 What's that old saying? "If you didn't check in on Swarm, did it even happen?" Well you were here, and now it's official. +1 Sat 12 August 2023, 10:46am Link